Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's Not The Getting Older, It's Getting Older Alone.

I recently celebrated my 45th birthday. Yes, I said CELEBRATED. I still celebrate birthdays and I do it as if I was still a little kid. I admit it. I look forward to my birthday. I always have.

I don't have any real problems with getting older. I never was bothered about it. Maybe because I truly believe you are as young as you feel and I certainly feel younger than I am. Maybe it's because I am still single and have no kids, so I still am living the same life I was at 35 (which is about the same age I currently feel).

Now one thing that DOES bother me about getting older? It's not the "getting older" part, it's getting older alone. As if dating wasn't hard enough in my thirties, it's now even harder.  The amount of men that are single, available, reasonably attractive and in my age range to me gets smaller and smaller as I get older.

Years ago, this wasn't a big problem. When you are young, there are more people that are single in your age range . I also always went for the younger guys, which was easier when I was younger, as well. Now, I a lot of younger guys seem like kids. But yet, I'm still not attracted to many men my age or older.

One big problem is that I really hate first dates. It's the whole process of being with someone that knows nothing about you. You have to supply each other with any information and I don't like to ask too much or tell too much straight off.  Quite honestly I always feel like I'm on a job interview. (yeah, I hate those, too).

I still find it hard to believe I'm going to be 50 in 5 years. I'm not afraid of it. I'm just hoping by them I'll find a date for my party.

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful... and you are only as old as you feel
