Tuesday, October 26, 2010

E's blog: Hollyweird Tuesday Trivia Challenge #2

If you love movies and movie trivia, then visit Evan Lowe's blog and enter to win an amazon gift card. entering is easy..and fun.

E's blog: Hollyweird Tuesday Trivia Challenge #2: "It's time for the second edition of the Hollyweird Tuesday Trivia Challenge. If you're not familiar with the challenge, every Tuesday I ..."

Friday, October 8, 2010

What's YOUR Favorite Milano Moment?

Well, as October begins, we are once again seeing pink. As most everyone knows, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there are lots of campaigns going on all month to help raise awareness and funds to help find a cure for breats cancer.
This year, Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies are helping the Susan G. Komen foundation via Facebook. For every "Milano Moment" a person posts on the official FB page, Pepperidge Farm will donate $.50 to The Susan G. Komen Foundation. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/MilanoFacebook 
As a member of the One2OneNetwork, I am helping spread the word. Here, on Twitter and Facebook.

 If you have a friend, family member or an aquaintance that has been touched by breast cancer, or even if you don't, when you share a Milano Moment, YOU are helping the fight against breast cancer. It's easy, it's fun and it doesn't cost a thing.

 So what is YOUR favorite Milano Moment?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Recently, I had the pleasure of reviewing WHEN BLOOD CALLS by author J.K.Beck. I absolutely loved it and you can read my review here: http://www.lasergirl70.blogspot.com/2010/08/vampires-and-werewolves-and-daemons-oh.html

Today, author J.K. Beck is over at http://www.bittenbybooks.com/ for a LIVE release party and contest. She is celebrating the release of the next 2 books in her series, WHEN PLEASURE RULES(out today) and WHEN WICKED CRAVES(releasing Oct 26th)! J.K. is answering your questions and asking a few of her own. Plus, she is giving away an Amazon Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device whoohoo!

Contest info:
 Open to readers WORLDWIDE wherever Amazon will ship this item. The contest ends on 10/11/10 at 11:59 pm Central
Here is the live link to the event:http://bittenbybooks.com/?p=31430

When Pleasure Rules