Friday, December 25, 2009


So it was a typical Monday afternoon. I was working from home , as usual, and I was relaxing on the couch (ok, so not working very hard) and from out of nowhere came the urge to go visit the local Humane Society. They are right around the corner from my house and I thought I would go look at the kittens. Now I have had my cat, Zoe, for 15 years and never really considered getting another one ,except for one time. I went there a year or so ago, picked out a little cutie ,but something stopped me mid-way through the paperwork. It just didn't feel right. I was worried that Zoe might be jealous or feel like I was "replacing" her. I guess the time wasn't right.
This day, though, I just felt something pulling me, and as I believe that things DO happen for a reason, I knew it was the time to go. SO I dragged my mother out with me to go look at kittens, not really knowing what the outcome would be.
When we arrived at the HS, I asked if they had any kittens, and one of the directors pointed me to the new outdoor cage that housed all the younger ones. Only problem, most of them were close to a year old and I was really looking for a newborn. (selfish, I know-they ALL need homes) I took a look and most were black or black and white. Now Zoe, is all black and I do happen to be partial to black cats-always have been.
I went in the cage and started to take peeks at the girls. I have nothing against male cats, but I have always had girls and I was looking for a little sister for Zoe. I just figured she might be more accepting of a girl. There were quite a few lovely ones, but at that point, none were very interested in getting to know me. They all wanted to be lazy and sleep (kind of like me on a Monday afternoon!)

I came across one very small black kitten and went to read up on her "story" . It seems that "Kudos" had a very rough life (so far). She was rescued from a revine and moved around to a few other shelters befoer being settled at The Humane Society of Pinellas County. I picked her up and looked at her. Very sweet, but VERY skittish. I certainly could understand. She was scared! But I really needed a cat that would be outgoing. One that would fit with another cat easily. The "SHE" came out of the corner: a pretty little "tuxedo cat" . She was not very big, but I could tell she was not very young, either. I looked at her makeshift collar to read the ID number, so I could read her papers. The name on the tag said "Ella". Now I said previously I do believe things happen for a reason and Ella was not the first name I had in mind for a new cat (in fact, I decided before leaving the house that I would most likely choose Samantha / "Sam", after Elizabeth Montomery's character on Bewitched.) but Ella was definitely a name I had considered. I tend to pick names after TV shows, books, movies, etc. Zoe, is named after Elmo from Sesame Streets's little sister. And the name Ella?  Anthony Edward's "Dr Mark Greene" of ER had a baby girl named "Ella". I had liked it since then. Ok, so I thought that would easy enough. She already had a name I liked, now it was just to find out if we were compatible. I picked her up ,but she was a little squirmy. She was swatting me with the little paws.   I put her down and watched her runa round. And run around, she did! She climbed all over ,even up the side of the cage! I even thought maybe she would eb too wild for our home. After looking at several others, I kept getting drawn back to Ella. I found out she was 7 months old. Now that was good because she was all up to date on her shots and I really didn't want a cat older than a year. She was essentially still a "baby" in my eyes.
I went out to tell one of the attendents that I had made my choice. We did all the paperwork and soon I was on my way home with my new little girl.
When I first brought her in, I put her down and she ran right over to the Christmas tree. Of course, she didn't see Zoe was already underneath. Zoe hissed at her and then Ella ran straight to my bedroom and under the bed where she remained for the rest of the day. "Great" I thought. This was NOT the cat I saw running and jumpng all over the HS cage. Was she going to hide all day and night? Did I make a mistake?
Later that evening, Ella did come out. To eat and use her litter box. She stayed out for a bit to toss a tiny mouse around. Then it was back under the bed. The next day she progessed  slowly. Coming out more and more, but still returning to under the bed eventually.
Wednesday seemed to be the magic day. It was nice and cool outside ,so I had the patio door open so the cats could roam in and out and I could get some fresh air in the house.  Suddenly I saw Ella going out back. I followed her and had the first "real " chance to pick her up and show some "motherly love". We sat on the swing and she settled comfortably on my lap. Suddenly, she was so relaxed, closing her little eyes as I scratched and pet her head and back. She was putting her little paws on my shoulder and nuzzling against my neck. I knew at that moment there was no question-Ella was meant to be with me. ♥

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