Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rated M for Mature

Pardon my rant, but this is a subject that been eating at me for several days and I can no longer keep my mouth shut. If you know me, you know how difficult it is for me to not voice my opinion on subjects that matter to me.

Like most people these days, I have a Facebook account and a Twitter account. My Facebook account is filled with family and friends and some people I have met along my journey there. I usually keep my statuses and comments pretty "clean". Sure, there is an occasional sexual innuendo, or an "Fbomb" used here and there, (it IS my favorite word after all) but overall I know who's reading and I keep that in mind.

Twitter, on the other hand, is whole different story. If my Facebook is PG-13, well, then my Twitter is NC-17. It's my place to be myself. I don't concern myself with my followers. You chose to follow me. If you did, it's probably because you read one of my tweets and either 1. thought it was funny, 2. know we have several people we follow or follow us in common, 3. we have similar interests or 4. you want to share you work (books, movies, music) with me.
See, on Twitter, I can be a PR tornado, slamming through people's timelines, spreading information about the latest and greatest I have seen, heard, or read. I follow several authors, some (ok, a lot) of whom are writers of erotic fiction (what can I say, I'm a horny gal).

Getting back to my point, a lot of what I post on Twitter may not be suitable for everyone. That not only applies to the real conservative, who may gasp at my comment about a sexual position or cringe at a review I post of a sexy erotic novel I just finished. I will "Retweet" a post or picture I find especially hilarious and want to share and it may be sexually explicit or use the work "Fuck". I may use it myself-in fact, I guarantee I will. Several times a day. So if you don't like that shit, I suggest you don't follow. I can't keep track of every person that decides to follow me, but if I happen to catch it, I will check out their little bio sometimes. I have warned a few people I have come across, that  I may not the best choice of a follow. I have blocked any kids under 18. I even got to the point where I posted a "18+ please" disclaimer on my home page.

Now, I feel that I should not have to censor myself for the benefit of others. I am, afterall, a grown woman. I think it's my right to post whatever the hell I choose. Nobody makes someone follow them. I don't ASK people to follow me (well, except for Adam Levine, but that's a separate blog post on it's own).

So what do you think? How do you handle these things? Let me know (or don't). It doesn't matter anyway because I have my opinion and Redheads Know Best.


  1. Funnily enough, I personally censor myself more on Twitter because as I once discovered entirely by accident, by a clever google search, every single tweet you ever send (even direct @s) can be seen by everyone in the world. But of course it's different for me because as an author I have a public profile which is largely seen through Twitter. Whereas FB is friends and family who I can feel comfortable enough with to say what I really feel. I actually enjoy your retweets as most of the time, as a Brit, they refer to things I have absolutely no idea about and it opens my eyes to things. Good luck with getting Adam Levine to follow you!

  2. thanks for your input, Karen. I do agree that sometimes you HAVE to censor yourself. I guess it depends on the situation. as you said, you are a published author, so I don't blame you for your caution. Myself? well you know I'm just a girl who removes people's unwanted hair. Thanks for the info about the Twitter posts being seen everywhere. YIKES! Oh well, If I was embarrassed by what I say, I wouldn't say it!

  3. I keep friends and family on Facebook and author's and other people on Twitter. I had my Twitter account linked to my Facebook till my cousin followed my link to my erotic writing blog. LMAO I died laughing when she was shocked her 'little cousin' wrote such things. But I unlinked them because I post on Twitter about my blogs (I have 2) and I felt like the people on my Facebook were more interested in my day-to-day shit.

    Now I don't care if my family and friends read my blogs. And some of them I encourage to do so, but I don't worry about it. My family knows what I'm like. As for people who follow me on Twitter, I almost always follow back. I figure its up to them to decide what they are going to do when I cuss and post naked pictures of people. When I don't care for what someone posts, I just move on. I expect other people to do the same. I do usually post a disclaimer at the beginning of my blog posts if there is going to be a large amount of foul language, but otherwise, I don't warn people about myself. I just am. ;)

    1. I used to worry about what my more conservative friends and family thought, but I will not pretend to be someone I am not. If I thought what I said or wrote was something I should be ashamed of, then I wouldn't say it.
